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We accept different payment methods via Conekta and PayPal , which are global companies a lot of experience and reputation in handling personal data.

The cards we accept are :

Credit Cards: Visa, MasterCard , American Express . Debit cards : Visa , MasterCard, American Express The only data collected are: Full Name , Shipping Address and Billing , Phone and Email . We have no access or collect your financial data such as credit cards and debit cards. We apply the enhanced security measures and we have a system of protection for data sent from the browser to the server.

The site contains the certificate SSL certificate (Secure Socket Layer) using the industry standard, the technology of 128-bit encryption. This is the same level of encryption used by major banks to keep your information secure. This means that your entered data will be transmitted encrypted for greater seguridad.Nuestro shopping cart complies with PCI DSS Level 1 certification, which gives greater security to their payments. Data confidentiality is guaranteed and the same are protected by measures of administrative, technical and physical security, to prevent damage, loss, alteration, destruction, use, access or improper disclosure.

In addition, our platforms online payments, PayPal and Conekta, handles SSL and other security systems, and especially are renowned companies with experience and excellent reputation in handling information of customer payments in Mexico and the world.

Disclaimer in shipments

Our shipments are with DHL and Redpack companies which give excellent service we hope we will be tracking your service but Should the supplier or intrecambiador has not made adequate packaging and not arrive in good condition we are not responsible, no changes, you will be returned only 20% of the amount paid. If exchanges Large mirror will be monitoring your exchanges to learn more how the process enters exchanging purchase.